Magisterial Lectures
Science Communication: It’s More Complex Than Simply Simplifying
In this lecture, Ma'am Inez talks about the value of science communication and translating facts and data into meaningful information.

Inez Ponce De Leon
INEZ Z. PONCE DE LEON, PhD is an associate professor at the Department of Communication of the Ateneo de Manila University. She graduated with a bachelor of science (cum laude) and a masters degree, both in molecular biology and biotechnology from the University of the Philippines, Diliman. She loved the lab, but she loved communicating science and being in front of audiences. She earned her PhD from Purdue University, and worked on science and risk communication from then on. Inez is also a researcher, novelist, and belly dancer. You can find her online at www.inezpdl.com.
In this lecture, Ma'am Inez talks about the value of science communication and translating facts and data into meaningful information.
INEZ Z. PONCE DE LEON, PhD is an associate professor at the Department of Communication of the Ateneo de Manila University. She graduated with a bachelor of science (cum laude) and a masters degree, both in molecular biology and biotechnology from the University of the Philippines, Diliman. She loved the lab, but she loved communicating science and being in front of audiences. She earned her PhD from Purdue University, and worked on science and risk communication from then on. Inez is also a researcher, novelist, and belly dancer. You can find her online at www.inezpdl.com.
The Magisterial Lecture series is a collection of selected talks from Ateneo classes, delivered by some of the University’s most respected faculty members. They are produced and shared for the benefit of learners everywhere. Magisterial Lectures will be available on Areté’s YouTube channel for free.
Magisterial Lectures is an Areté Production done in partnership with The Department of Communication, Loyola Schools and the Eugenio Lopez Jr. Center for Multimedia Communication.
Presentation Slides

Magisterial Lectures
The Magisterial Lecture series is a collection of selected talks from Ateneo classes, delivered by some of the University’s most respected faculty members. They are produced and shared for the benefit of learners everywhere. Magisterial Lectures will be available on Areté’s YouTube channel for free.

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